1. JSON 类型
MySQL 从版本 5.7 开始正式支持 JSON 类型
The JSON Data Type 文档 https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json.html
1.1 操作符
从 JSON 字段中提取值
与 -> 类似,也是从 JSON 字段中提取值,但关键区别在于它会将提取出的标量值转换为文本字符串
2. JSON 类型查询
2.1 JSONObject
| json1 |
| {"type": {"sta1": 1, "sta2": 2}, "express": 1, "official": 0} |
-- $ 表示当前 JSON 数据
select json1 -> '$.express' from boot_indicator;
-- 等价:JSON_EXTRACT(json1, '$.express')
-- 提取JSON值:JSON_EXTRACT(column, path)
2.2 JSONArray
| json2 | json 3 |
| [1001, 1002] | [{"age": 22, "name": "tinyspot"}, {"age": 20}] |
select json2 ->> '$[0]' from boot_indicator;
select json2 ->> '$[1]' from boot_indicator;
-- 输出:{"age": 22, "name": "tinyspot"}
select json2 ->> '$[0]' from boot_indicator;
-- 输出:22
select json2 ->> '$[0].age' from boot_indicator;
2.3 通配符查询
官方文档 https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json.html
通配符 * 和 **
select JSON_EXTRACT(json1, '$.*') from boot_indicator;
-- 输出:[{"sta1": 1, "sta2": 2}, 1, 0]
select json1 -> '$.*' from boot_indicator;
-- 输出:[1, 2]
select json1 -> '$.type.*' from boot_indicator;
select JSON_EXTRACT(json2, '$[*]') from boot_indicator;
-- [{"age": 22, "name": "tinyspot"}, {"age": 20}]
select json2 ->> '$[*]' from boot_indicator;
-- [22, 20]
select json2 ->> '$[*].age' from boot_indicator where id = 1;
3. JSON 函数
文档 https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.3/en/json-function-reference.html
3.1 查询
select id, json1, json2 from boot_indicator
where json1 ->> '$.name' = 'tinyspot';
SELECT id, json1, json2 FROM boot_indicator
WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(json1, '"tinyspot"', '$.name');
select id, json1, json2 from boot_indicator
where json_contains(json2 ->> '$[*].name', '"tinyspot"');
补充:注意双引号select CONCAT('"', 'demo' , '"');
输出 "demo"
-- 参数形式:json1 -> '$.name' LIKE CONCAT('%', #{typeName}, '%')
select id, json1, json2 from boot_indicator
where json1 -> '$.name' LIKE CONCAT('%', 'tinyspot', '%');
3.2 检索函数 JSON_CONTAINS()
语法 JSON_CONTAINS(target, candidate[, path])
返回值:1(真) 0(假)
-- JSONArray: [1001, 1002]
select json2 -> '$[*]' from boot_indicator;
select JSON_CONTAINS(json2 ->> '$[*]', '1001') from boot_indicator;
select JSON_CONTAINS(json2 ->> '$[*]', json_array(1001)) from boot_indicator;
-- json1: {"num1": 100, "text5": [1001, 1002], "text6": "307269"}
select json_contains(json1 ->> '$.text5', '1001') from boot_indicator;
select json_contains(json1 ->> '$.text5', json_array(1001)) from boot_indicator;
select id, json1 from boot_indicator where json_contains(json1 ->> '$.text5', json_array(1001));
-- json2: [{"age": 22, "name": "tinyspot"}, {"age": 20}]
-- $[*].name: ["tinyspot"]
select json2 ->> '$[*].name' from boot_indicator where id = 1;
select JSON_CONTAINS(json2 ->> '$[*].name', '"tinyspot"') from boot_indicator;
-- '$' 路径前缀,表示在整个 JSON 文档范围内进行搜索
-- select JSON_CONTAINS(json2 ->> '$[*].name', '"tinyspot"', '$') from boot_indicator;
-- select JSON_CONTAINS(json2, '"tinyspot"', '$[0].name') from boot_indicator;
-- 参数形式
-- select * from boot_indicator where id = 1001 and JSON_CONTAINS(data->'$[*].name', CONCAT('"', #{param}, '"'), '$');
3.3 json_object()
json_object() 创建JSON 对象
-- {"name": "tinyspot"}
select json_object('name', 'tinyspot')
-- 查询
select id, json1, json2 from boot_indicator
where JSON_CONTAINS(json1, JSON_OBJECT('name', 'tinyspot'));
3.4 json_array()
-- ["aaa", "bbb"]
select json_array('aaa', 'bbb');
update boot_indicator
set json1 = json_object('text5', json_array('aaa', 'bbb'))
where id = 4;
update boot_indicator
set json1 = json_set(json1, '$.text5', json_array('aaa', 'bbb'))
where id = 3;
4. JSON 更新
4.1 JSONObject 字段更新
update boot_indicator
set json1 = json_set(json1, '$.name', 'demo')
where id = 2;
-- 批量更新
update boot_indicator
set json1 = case
WHEN id = 1 THEN json_set(json1, '$.name', 'demo1')
WHEN id = 2 THEN json_set(json1, '$.name', 'demo2')
WHERE id IN (1, 2);
4.2 JSONArray 字段更新
update boot_indicator
set json2 = json_set(json2, '$[0].name', 'demo1')
where id = 2;
-- 批量更新
update boot_indicator
set json2 = case
when id = 1 then json_set(json2, '$[0].name', 'demo1')
when id = 2 then json_set(json2, '$[0].name', 'demo2')
where id in (1, 2);
-- JSONArray 里添加一个 JSONObject
update boot_indicator
set json2 = json_array_append(json2, '$', JSON_OBJECT('name', 'aaa'))
where id = 2;
-- 批量更新
update boot_indicator
set json2 =
when id = 1 then json_array_append(json2, '$', JSON_OBJECT('name', 'tinyspot1'))
when id = 2 then json_array_append(json2, '$', JSON_OBJECT('name', 'tinyspot2'))
where id in (1, 2);
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